Kenali Macam-Macam Penyakit Mata dan Cara Mengatasinya

Kenali Macam-Macam Penyakit Mata dan Cara Mengatasinya – Mata merupakan salah satu panca indra yang cukup vital bagi tubuh. Oleh karena itu, menjaga mata agar tetap sehat sangat diperlukan untuk terhindar dari gangguan mata yang dapat menghambat aktivitas sehari-hari.

Namun, masih banyak kasus penyakit kesehatan mata yang seringkali disepelekan oleh banyak orang. Padahal mata merupakan salah satu bagian tubuh yang cukup rentan terkontaminasi oleh bakteri atau benda lain.

Saat ini, jumlah kasus terkait penyakit mata di Indonesia masih tidak begitu tinggi, tetapi masyarakat perlu mengenali penyakit mata yang dapat terjadi pada kelompok tertentu sebagai upaya tindakan preventif terhadap kemungkinan adanya penyakit mata. Selain itu, masyarakat dapat meminimalisir penyebab terjadinya gangguan pada mata yang masih menjadi momok tersendiri bagi sebagian kalangan.

Penyakit mata merupakan gangguan pada mata yang kerap ditandai dengan beberapa gejala sesuai dengan pengkategorian jenis penyakit tersebut. Setiap jenis penyakit pada mata dapat menimbulkan keluhan sakit yang berbeda mulai dari mata yang terasa gatal, adanya iritasi pada mata hingga kehilangan penglihatan secara tiba-tiba.

Oleh sebab itu, masyarakat perlu mengenali jenis penyakit mata yang biasanya terjadi pada mata dan cara yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut.
Jenis-jenis penyakit mata dan tindakan preventif yang dapat dilakukan :
1. Katarak
Katarak adalah salah satu peyakit mata yang kerap dialami oleh kelompok lanjut usia. Penyakit ini muncul saat lensa alami pada mata mulai terasa kabur. Katarak dapat ditandai secara bertahap dengan beberapa gejala seperti penglihatan yang mulai kabur, adanya silau atau lingkaran cahaya, kemudian sensitivitas kontras mulai menghilang hingga mulai terasa adanya penglihatan ganda pada mata. Katarak dapat terjadi jauh lebih cepat pada kondisi pasien yang suka merokok, sering terkena paparan sinar matahari hingga pasien traumatis.

Selain itu, katarak yang tidak segera ditangani akan berdampak pada kondisi mata dimana penglihatan kian menurun. Oleh karena itu, orang yang menderita katarak disarankan melakukan operasi dengan membuat sayatan kecil pada mata yang kurang dari 3 milimeter.

2. Glaukoma
Glaukoma adalah penyakit mata yang tidak memiliki gejala siginifikan tetapi menyumbang risiko angka kebutaan cukup tinggi. Penyakit ini terjadi disebabkan tekanan tinggi pada bola mata yang merusak saraf optik, saraf yang berperan pada penglihatan. Galukoma dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti usia, keturunan, komplikasi hipertensi, diabetes hingga penyakit mata tertentu.

Penyakit ini dapat dicegah dengan cara melalukan pendeteksian dini sejak usia mulai menginjak 40 tahun dengan mempertimbangkan latar belakang kesehatan.

3. Konjungitivitis (mata merah)
Konjungtivitis atau mata merah adalah penyakit mata yang terkena iritasi akibat paparan beberapa benda seperti asap polusi kendaran, alergi, zat kimia (sampo atau sabun) dan infeksi jamur, virus atau bakteri. Penyakit ini umum terjadi karena jaringan yang terdapat pada bagian atas putih mata mengalami radang.

Hal tersebut dapat membuat mata menjadi merah dan terasa nyeri atau gatal, berair bahkan sampai mengalami pembengkakan pada area di sekitar mata. kendati demikian, untuk mengatasi penyakit mata merah ini dapat diberikan beberapa tetes obat mata. Selain itu, hindari berbagi handuk dan rutin mencuci tangan agar terhindar dari konjungtivitis ini yang sifatnya mudah menular.

4. Degenarasi Makula
Degenarasi makula atau yang kerap disebut Age related macular degeneration (AMD) adalah penyakit mata yang menyerang makula, bagian kecil pada retina mata yang berperan untuk membantu melihat secara jelas. Dengan demikian, orang yang mengalami jenis penyakit mata ini akan kehilangan penglihatan sentral akibat makula yang rusak. Efeknya, pasien tidak dapat melihat secara normal dan detail meskipun penglihatan bagian tepi masih dapat melihat secara normal.

Penyakit ini umum terjadi pada orang yang telah berusia 50 tahun keatas. AMD tidak dapat dicegah tetapi dapat diperhambat dengan mengontrol tekanan darah, menjaga asupan nutrisi untuk mata, menjaga tubuh agar tidak kegemukan dan menghindari rokok serta memeriksakan kesehatan mata secara rutin.

5. Pterigium
Jenis penyakit mata ini terjadi akibat adanya selaput lendir yang menutupi mata di bagian yang berwarna putih. Penyebab pterigium terjadi karena sering terpapar oleh radiasi sinar matahari. Selain itu, gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh penyakit ini meliputi mata menjadi merah, pandangan yang kabur hingga mata terasa panas dan gatal. Selaput lendir yang menutup bagian putih pada mata tersebut juga membuat mata terasa kelilipan oleh benda asing.

Untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi pada orang yang menderita pterigium, pasien biasanya diresepkan obat tetes mata kortikosteroid. Selain itu, penyembuhan penyakit ini dapat juga dilakukan dengan jalan operasi.

6. Keratitis
Keratitis adalah jenis penyakit mata yang ditandai dengan peradangan pada daerah kornea mata. Hal ini biasanya disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, bakteri, jamur maupun parasit. Penanganan keratitis berbeda yang disesuaikan dengan indikasi penyebabnya.

Keratitis yang disebabkan oleh infeksi jamur tentu disembuhkan dengan pemberian obat anti-jamur sedangkan keratitis akibat herpes zoster akan diobati dengan pemberian obat anti-virus.

Setiap jenis penyakit mata yang terjadi tentu memiliki penanganan dan penanggulangan yang berbeda. Selain itu, menjaga mata dari segala paparan benda atau partikel asing dapat dilakukan dengan cara sederhana seperti memakai kaca mata, tidak sering mengucek mata, tidak menyentuh mata ketika tangan sedang kotor dan sebagianya.

Kendati demikian, untuk mencegah adanya penyakit mata yang tidak diinginkan alangkah baiknya masyarakat rutin melakukan check up kesehatan mata pada institusi kesehatan pemerintah maupun swasta. Dengan demikian, kondisi mata akan prima sehingga aktivitas sehari-hari dapat dikerjakan dengan baik.

Reflecting on HongKong and Singapore, Indonesia Stock Exchange Embraces Unicorn IPO

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has a strong determination to continue to embrace the Initial Public Offering (IPO) with Unicorn status as a leading technology company in Indonesia. BEI will look in the mirror from Hong Kong and Singapore in order to pursue and prosper in their own country.
The head of the IDX’s startup and SME development unit, Aditya Nugraha, said that the IDX did not want to experience bad risks like those experienced by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX).

The reason is that both of them have lost their best momentum to get closer to the Unicorn IPO. Therefore, IDX began to learn so that future plans always run smoothly.
“The failure is an important guideline for us. This means that IDX must not be weak in pursuing Unicorn IPOs so that they do not run listings for other countries,” Aditya said at the Unicorn IPO meeting, Wednesday (28/07/2021).

Causes of Unicorn IPO Failure
Aditya also continued that there were many cases that led to the failure of the Unicorn IPO. Where one of them is that several stock exchanges in the country are not able to collaborate well with companies with Decacorn status, Unicorns to Startups.

In addition, they also made a fatal mistake by not entering into a policy agreement regarding Multiple Voting Shares (SHSM) or Multiple Voting Shares (MVS).
“My assessment is that all stock exchanges in Indonesia must balance the implementation of MVS or SHSM to improve the long-scale cooperation process,” said Aditya.

Reflecting on HongKong and Singapore, Indonesia Stock Exchange Embraces

The Most Fatal Loss of Momentum
Initially SGX was better than BEI. However, they were not able to maintain the golden opportunity that appeared in the American Depositary Receipt (ADR). With the scheme they are running, it is noted that the value of the offer has changed to US$884.4 million since October 20, 2017.

Meanwhile, SGX was only able to run MVS in June 2018. And that happened when SEA Ltd’s market capitalization grew by 1,000% on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Meanwhile, HKEX has lost momentum with Alibaba Group since September 18, 2014. This happened because Alibaba used the ADR scheme on the NYSE. They are involved in bidding up to 21.8 billion US dollars.

Ironically, HKEX had to wait 4 years to join the MVS and Secondary Listing program. And it just happened on September 18, 2018.

IDX Development Against MVS
The Head of the Prospective Development Unit for IDX 2 Listed Companies, Bima Ruditya Surya, spoke about the IDX’s development of MVS. He began to explain the various IDX development plans in order to balance the MVS program.

Until now, IDX has contacted the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to make an agreement on the Draft Financial Services Authority Regulation (RPJOK) regarding the SHSM issue.
According to the Rule-Making-Rule (RMR) process which has been set since June 2021, there are several things that they have mutually agreed upon, namely;
The first is to have mandatory requirements to improve the SHSM program. Where the IDX is a worthy category to embrace the Unicorn IPO.

The second is having eligibility for SHSM holders which is taken from a joint decision. And finally, there are a number of provisions for making MVS that it is not a permanent effort.
Even so, Bima insisted that the steps they had built would not be detrimental in the future. Like many cases that have happened, some people who are seen are actually wasting money just to bet on real money soccer gambling on trusted soccer sites.

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader – We often hear about Tour Guides and Tour Leaders since we carry out tourist activities to various places. You could say that both of them are complete packages handed down by the Tour and Travel. However, they have different sides in carrying out their duties on the field.

Therefore, this latest post is intentionally here to provide a deep understanding of the difference between a Tour Guide and a Tour Leader. And to find out the review, let’s continue on the discussion below.

1. Responsibilities
In terms of responsibilities, the Tour Leader may have a very high role than the Tour Guide. Because the Tour Leader is responsible for providing the best service while traveling for all visitors. In addition, the tasks carried out are quite complicated because they have to master all the arranged agendas so that they are not too crowded during activities. Moreover, another task that needs to be done is to control the number of passengers when they arrive at the location to the way home to ensure that no one is left behind in the group.

While the responsibility of a Tour Guide is not so great. He is required to have an official license as the best and most trusted tour guide. In addition, this role must also provide detailed information about the world of tourism which will later be explained during the trip to the way home. You could say that the task seems easy because it is enough to have a lot of knowledge and experience in the field.

2. Travel Agenda
koolaugolfclub – In the travel agenda, the role of a Tour Leader also affects the selling value of the company. The task must really be able to arrange the travel schedule to the duration of the trip so as not to be delayed or out of the specified time limit. Maturity is needed in understanding the time interval between the first, second and so on locations. Because if not, the comfort of traveling will never run smoothly.

While the task of the Tour Guide is only to accompany guests while providing important explanations about the specified place. If at the location, visitors prefer to split up in groups, then the Tour Guide is not responsible for this. Because so far, many travelers often leave the group to get new beauty. However, it is too risky for him when other travel agendas have been scheduled.

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader

3. Indigenous and Cultural Knowledge
The role of the Tour Leader in this case does not explain much to the guests. However, they just need to give a little explanation about the locations to be visited based on a schedule that has been neatly arranged beforehand. At least they want to give mixed reviews, that’s also not a problem. Because the Tour Leader’s job is only to describe that the destination only needs to be visited in a few minutes.

And the role of the Tour Guide in this is not to be missed. They are required to master all customs and culture of the places to be visited. In this case, they need to provide meaningful explanations so that guests gain new insights while enjoying the beauty of traveling.

If it is concluded, actually the Tour Guide and Tour Leader have the same task in providing satisfaction to all guests. More specifically, the Tour Leader has the responsibility to control and lead the group. While the Tour Guide is only tasked with providing a detailed explanation of the specified destination.

The Most Entertaining United States Traveling Tips

The Most Entertaining United States Traveling Tips – Traveling to the local area is quite boring for everyone. But what about doing something different for some personal fun? Of course, the best traveling that can be done is to travel to the United States. In general, the country is the most appropriate destination to unwind from busy daily activities. No wonder foreign tourists seem entertained when they arrive in Uncle Sam’s country.

Traveling to the United States will never get a bad experience. Because of what? There have been many places – the best places to be immortalized both for young people to adults, relatives or relatives to newlyweds. It has become a fact that many online gambling players are always present in various corners of the city. Because they always get comfort from morning to night.

And this review can be used as a valuable illustration when traveling to the United States. Because of course a satisfaction while arriving in various cities will make personal pleasure more colorful. So here are some tips that are worth doing while in the country, including.

  • Visiting the Best Tourist Places

One tip that should not be forgotten is to visit the best tourist attractions. The United States has invited admiration for all local and foreign travelers. All the beauty has radiated widely from the corner of the east to the west. Not a few tourists who go home without getting experience after engrossed in the surrounding area. That’s because they have found the most appropriate destination to visit.

There are not enough words to describe how beautiful this country is. Because so far there have been billions of foreigners who often come to all cities just for personal pleasure. Therefore relaxing in the most beautiful place is the best thing for everyone.

  • Temporary Stopover at One of the Famous Hotels

It’s still not satisfied if you only visit the best places in the United States. In general, the country already has a number of well-known and starred hotels in various cities. So every visitor can stop for a while while making plans for traveling on the following days.

Not a few funds are needed when in Uncle Sam’s country. At least the tourists need to provide pocket money of more than USD 2,000 or about 25 million rupiah. Of course they can enjoy the beauty of the best lodging ever. So that the experience of traveling in that country will be more meaningful in the future.

Casino House

  • Stop by the Trusted Casino House

koolaugolfclub – And there is one important thing that should not be forgotten when arriving in the United States. Be sure to stop by various trusted Casino Gambling Houses. Because this condition is a must for local residents, maybe even tourists. Of course, a number of cities already have the best and quality gambling buildings. So that guests can enjoy the beauty of the process of placing bets directly.

The level of security at the venue is unquestionable. Because the gambling building has appeared since several centuries ago. For local residents, betting real money is common. But at least the tourists must participate in enlivening the betting market before arriving in their home country.

Of course, there are many other best Traveling tips when you arrive in the United States. However, some of the reviews above have become the best reference when you want to explore Uncle Sam’s country.


Great Vacation Site for Casino Betting fans and Special National Parks in Indonesia

Great Vacation Site for Casino Betting fans and Special National Parks in Indonesia – Traveling around Asian countries will not be complete when you skip Indonesia. This is one of the big countries in Asia, and it is an archipelago. You may need to spend weeks to see all of the great destinations offered by Indonesia. It is tropical country, and there are many great things offered by its nature. In addition to its magnificent nature, you are able to see some great sites. When you decide to travel around Indonesia, these are some places that you should visit.

Koolaugolfclub – First, you can set your destination in Borobudur Temple and it is as good as getting into CASINO BETTING. This is one of the most iconic places in Indonesia. It even becomes one of the greatest temples in the world. Because of its significance and history, it becomes UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur Temple is located in Central Java, and it is a Buddhist temple. The temple is gigantic, and it was built in 8th century. It was built based on the concept of traditional mandala in Buddhism. The temple itself was buried because of the great volcanic eruptions, and it was found and excavated in 1800s. You are able to explore the temple and see the sets of statues and sculptures on the wall of the temple. There are some levels in the temple, and it shows the human’s journey of life in which there is nothing in the peak. It shows great philosophy.

Tanjung Puting National Park

As what is said before, Indonesia is tropical country, and there are some forests that become national parks. The parks become habitat of some great animals. Orangutan is one of them. When you want to see the real habitat of orangutan, you can go to Borneo. This becomes the homes and sanctuary dedicated to rescue the orangutans. The local people of Borneo also really respect the animal and protect them. The main place to see the endangered animals is in Tanjung Puting National Park. This is the area with largest population of orangutan. It is not only the largest population in Indonesia, but even in the world. There is also Bohorok Orangutan Center and it is located in Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Island.

Other great yet endangered animals that you can see in Indonesia are the Komodo dragon. Komodo dragons are not the dragons as in the mythical stories. However, they are the large lizards and these are said as the biggest lizards that survive from the ancient era. Komodo dragon can only be found in Indonesia, and they are found in Komodo National Park. The national parks cover five main islands and other smaller islands, and these are the natural habitat of those dragons. Since it is special animal, the national park becomes the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The national park becomes the natural habitat of this ancient lizard. Of course, you are able to see the komodo dragons directly, but you should be accompanied by guests since they are deadly animals. The national park tries to preserve the original nature, and that is why you are able to see well-preserved forest and marine areas. In addition to the legendary animal, there is also Pink Beach that becomes alternative attraction in the national park.